An Accumulation of Blogs
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- August 4, 2019
This is a shiny new blog that will soon be populated with all of the quality free content I can find time to make, there are plans my friends. Lots of plans.
But until then, I thought I’d use this as a chance to link to some old and forgotten pieces of mine that I still remember fondly.
Women Killing Zombies
An old piece from the excellent feminist pop culture blog Bad Reputation, this was written back in the days when I was known mostly for writing about zombies. In this article I talk briefly about the history of how women are represented in zombie movies, how they’re often granted more agency than elsewhere in the horror genre, and yet are still excluded from the power fantasies people go to zombie movies for.
We're on the Road to Nowhere
A report from my first trip to NineWorlds Geek Fest that I wrote for Arc, the New Scientist’s futurology spin-off. I covered a panel on the challenges of writing utopian science fiction. This was before the Great Cataclysm that was 2016 of course. Now writing utopias is even harder and more essential than ever.
5 Science Fiction Stories About Existing Technology
A “Friday Five” I wrote for the sadly no-longer-with-us Pornokitsch site. This was a promo for a longer talk I was giving at Nine Worlds, covering 5 Science Fiction Stories About Existing Technology. It was partly to look at what defines science fiction once we remove the “non-existent technology” angle from the discussion, partly a chance for me to revisit my favourite rant about why Singin’ in the Rain is a science fiction movie.
Silicon Bullets: An Ellis Cobalt Mystery
A short-lived project where I began running a text adventure for users of random-chat website “Omegle”. Android private investigator Ellis Cobalt is framed for a murder they didn’t commit. Their attempts to clear their name are frequently foiled by recurring lapses of amnesia and the fact that most of people playing them actually just want to sext. One day if I ever get time I might return and complete their adventures…
Various Interviews
On a few occasions people have tried to interview about things I’ve written, with varying degrees of success. I keep them here for posterity and my own cringe value. I spoke to the BBC “Blast” website shortly after my first novel came out, Hack Circus interviewed me shortly before I gave a talk at one their live events, I did a Q&A with Grant of Rowan, Rook & Decard to help promote the campaign I wrote for Strata. I’ve also been a guest on the Floor is Lava podcast where we mostly invented really horrifying super powers.